Get Unstuck in 2022

Talk about life changes since Covid 19, 20, and 21…

Please 2022 can we get back to normal?  Just getting the mental energy together to start a fitness routine is difficult enough in this new normal.  Do we go to the gym, or do we just stick to our at home workouts?  Can we meet up with our friends again to exercise or do we go it alone?

Let’s face it, virtual is here to stay! So let’s just deal with it and navigate our fitness around it.  With that being said, let me share with you 3 tips to help you get unstuck with your fitness in 2022.

  1. Get a fitness journal with a calendar to incorporate a variety of activities to enjoy.  Try Walking Wednesdays or Strength Training Saturdays.  Have fun filling in exercise into your schedule.
  2. Discover your tribe: Accountability groups, friends, and fitness families are terrific ways to help you to stick with your fitness goals.
  3. Embrace progress over perfection: Quit worrying about the results.  Focus on creating the habits that achieve the results.

Before you know it, you’ll find that your new routines will allow you to confidently develop new habits to help to get unstuck once and for all.

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