
Unfriendly Skies: Flying Overweight in America

Is it just me or are airplanes becoming increasingly uncomfortable, I wondered? While on a recent flight, I yearned for more leg room and how about even more seat space for my coat and personal belongings? Although I sat as passenger A with no adjacent seat mate, I didn’t see a real advantage. 

Then I couldn’t help but notice that passenger B in my row spilled over not only onto his seat mate, passenger C, but also into the aisle. He was clearly a big guy aver six feet tall and three hundred pounds.

During the flight, I witnessed several lavatory seekers struggling to pass by. Moreover, the flight attendant couldn’t advance his beverage cart without asking passenger B to scoot over. He must have been miserable! 

I was embarrassed for him, and felt even more sorry for passenger C as she was involuntarily sharing a good portion of her seat space.

According to USA Today, the average airline leg room has decreased from 35 to 31 inches. And the seat width has declined from 18 inches to 16.5 inches. Therefore it stands to reason that as Americans’ waistlines are expanding, airplanes are going to get more and more uncomfortable for each of us. 

As we focus on Heart Awareness Month and concentrate on achieving our healthiest weight, we’ll learn strategies to help. Obesity is closely linked to cardiovascular disease, heart failure, and coronary artery disease.    

Here are 3 ways to decrease excess body fat and lower our risk of heart disease as well.

1. Move more often through out the day and work on increasing our steps; aiming for at least 10,000 steps per day

2. Limit consumption of fatty foods/beverages such as french fries, ice cream, pastries, bacon, sausage, potato chips and sugary coffee drinks

3. Manage stress by allowing ourselves to channel anxiety/depression. Get things off our chest. Practice deep breathing and utilize our support systems (family, friends, and community)

If you personally struggle with your weight I invite you to schedule a discovery call to discuss how I can help you by making wellness your priority. 

Dr. Goldie

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